"you are only as happy as you make up your mind to be."

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


"Casey Anthony, the Florida mother accused of killing her two-year-old child with chloroform and duct tape, was acquitted on Tuesday of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, and aggravated manslaughter of a child."

my reaction:

hearing today's news turned my stomach into knots. my jaw dropped when i read the first headline about Casey Anthony being acquitted! i haven't followed the case religiously but i did have a good idea of what was going on. the trial has been pretty lengthy. im no forensic detective but in my opinion, I'd say she did it! so many lies after lies. even her parents are a little off. if it was an "accident" then why did they try and make it look like a murder?! accidents happen. why spend all this time in court if she supposedly did drown in their backyard pool?! her trunk smelled like a decomposing body but it passed for rotting garbage, huh?! she used a chemical to drug her daughter so she could party. how did a jury not find this crazy girl at fault?! 
me once being a young mom, who also raised my newborn/toddler under the same roof as my parents, it strikes me as odd that her own parents didn't catch on to it quicker that something was "really wrong" when they hadn't seen their grandchild in a month. if i didn't come home with dylan after i got off of "work" one time, the first question i would be asked is "where is dylan?" even before a hello from them! to come up with so many lies as to where my kid is would get old, real fast! were her parents that stupid? my parents knew where dylan was everyday, knew the person who cared for him, knew where that person lived, etc. why were her parents so [un]involved in their grandchild's life?! 

it really saddens me that Casey's last resort to not wanting to be a mom was murder. poor Caylee didn't ask to come into this world! if Casey didn't wanna be a mom, im sure there are hundreds of other parents that would have gladly taken Caylee in a minute! all those people who try and try to have a baby and cant, and this girl is fortunate to have a baby but takes her innocent life away from her because it interferes with "moms" party life! that disgusts me! 

her smiles and smirks are what kill me the most! 
she is laughing at the jury who was stupid enough to acquit her.
now she is a free woman! where is the justice for Caylee?! [non]existent!

i understand the facts and the evidence aspect. maybe the prosecution dropped the ball. maybe the defense had been helped by the lack of evidence by the prosecution?! i understand that there was no DNA linking Casey to the scene of the crime but what about the truth of the matter, does that count?! her lawyer said, "i saved a life!" once the verdict had been read. referring to Casey, but what about Caylee's life. who saved her?! i don't think the defense cared one bit about Caylee right along with her lame mom. it was all about winning this case, ANY way they could. popping bottles in a bar, immediately following the verdict was real classy on their part =/

so now what?! Casey will most likely be out of jail this thursday. does she go back to live with her mom and dad after accusing her dad of sexually molesting her?! that seems a little awkward to me. her parents didn't even hug her or embrace her after the verdict was read. they quietly left the courthouse, almost as if they were thinking, "damn!" don't you think if they were genuinely happy about their daughter being proven innocent they would have shown some sort of emotion that they were happy... nope, nothing. makes you think even more that their daughter was guilty or this family is a bunch of wackos and they deserve each other?!

again, as a mom it really hits home. yeah, my kid drives me nuts. yeah, i wish my name wasn't "mom" some days [cause you hear it over and over and over again]. yeah, it sucked to get up for 3am feedings when i had been out with my friends earlier, BUT when i chose to have my son, i made a lifelong commitment to be his MOM no matter what! i adjusted my life to fit him not the other way around! i love my son so much, he brings me joy everyday [even on not so good days]. i would never want to see him in pain or in harm's way, looks like this is the difference between me and Casey. she is gonna wish she were still in jail cause the Real World is SO not a fan of her!!

and in the words of Nancy Grace:
"the devil is dancing tonight!"

little angel

1 comment:

  1. Great minds think alike...this is what my blog topic was about tonight too!
