an old habit of mine, that im proud to say i've kicked to the curb. i never thought about money as anything more then green paper. when you dont make it, it has no value to you. now that i've been making my own money for some years now, im more aware of its value. i think it was something i needed to learn, the hard way. i know you may be thinking, she always talks about money. can you blame me?! its what makes the world go round.
buying on impulse was a day to day thing. half the things i would buy had no necessary purpose in my life. now a days, i think before i buy. "do i really need this or do i just want it?" i have to ask myself. for instance, tonight my husband and i have been debating a trip for our anniversary. a couple days in vegas, to spend alone and with his family. of course i've been flight searching for a month now and tonight the prices happen to be SUPER cheap. great.. now im dying to go. on top of that, an email with the lowest rates for a Planet Hollywood room [a hotel i havent stayed at]. seems like tonight, the trip was meant to be :) should we book or stay local and celebrate. i mean, as long as we're together i dont care where we are... it's just that vegas was calling my name EXTRA loud tonight.

one of these days, we'll be able to do many trips... just not now. im happy with my [our] decision.
disneyland here we come :)
We contemplated a trip for our anniversary too! But this year the funds just aren't there for us even though I try to justify it! =/ I cannot wait until the day that "money isn't an issue" for all of us! =)