today, my mom, dad, Dylan and i all went to Blackberry Farm. a nice little get away to warm weather [even though the hometown temp was shockingly high too]. my parents have been taking me here since i was in diapers. i remember waking up real early so we could get down there, get our area blanketed off and score the closet BBQ pit to the pool. they use to have a baby pool that had like a foot of water, but since the renovation they have done away with that one. now there are two pools. one that is just the right size for my kid to play around in. he can actually touch the bottom from one end to the other. this is the pool with the cool water slide. dylan has just ONE more inch to grow so that he can finally go down it. i don't know what is up with all these height charts. he passed for 48" in Disneyland, but here he doesn't and at the carnival we went to a couple weeks ago he wasn't tall enough for a certain ride either... weird. maybe Disneyland favors short people ;) either way, i hope within the next 2 1/2 months he grows that inch cause he's having his birthday party here and he has got to be able to go down the slide by then!!

we bring blankets and towels and more blankets, just so we can have a nice area to relax in. this way you won't get weirdo's who are all up on you and in your personal space =/ but of course our plan had failed. here come 10 old ladies, 8 umbrellas, loud voices, one piece bathing suits with the dress attached to them all yapping about where each of them bought their umbrella from or what store their granny bathing suit came from, ugh!! so much for that. it looked like we were sitting next to an outdoor cafe with all those damn umbrellas! you think thats bad... then there is the WHOLE lawn to sit on and who creeps right past the old ladies and behind us to stay?! an Asian family. i am by all means not racist but I'm trying to read my book "the help" [which is based on a story in the south]. do you know how hard it is to read a southern language book when you've got a mother yelling at her 5yr old son in Chinese?! pretty hard. so much for reading. i think i got a chapter in, but other then our annoying neighbors our morning started off great.

the sun was shining, already 80 degrees by 11 a.m. we were in and out of the pool, back to the blankets to relax and the breeze was just right!! operation, get-your-tan-on was in full effect!! i love being Mexican, my skin always looks golden brown after basking in the sun :) it was so nice to just be outside finally. this change of weather is just what i needed. dylan loves this place, he isn't out of the water for more then 5 minutes at a time. the kid is a fish! thank god for my dad, who doesn't mind being in the water with him practically all day. its cool to think that now i can bring dylan here after all these years of my parents bringing me. Blackberry Farm is so nice. it doesn't take long to get here and the prices you cant beat! good idea mom, I'm glad we got to spend the 3rd of July here!! i need to get my friends and kids together so we can make a trip down there.

on our way home, we took the coast highway. when we came around the mountain, the site at the beach was insane! Linda Mar Beach looked like the Jersey Shore, no joke! you couldn't even see the sand! people must have came from all over. its' funny, i drive by the beach everyday and never go there. sometimes i drive by and don't even look that way and some people come cross country just to see the waves. i do take for granted my beautiful coastal city :) i promise to enjoy the good parts of it more often.
tomorrow the fun continues...
2nd annual backyard BBQ & fireworks, i cant wait!! some people are a little anxious though, i can already here the bombs!!
i love the 4th of July <3
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