rewind one year ago to the day and i was only 2 short months away from the most special day of my life thus far. i was in countdown mode, the invitations had been sent, the favors ordered, the centerpieces picked out, the cake flavors decided and the dress altered. i just had two amazing bridal showers [one with my girls] and [one with my family] "the old lady shower" i called it. the gifts just kept on coming. poor grooms, they get nothing. well except for their bachelor party but in our case, we put a twist on things and celebrated ours as a joint event in our favorite place, Las Vegas!!

my first shower was a tea party theme. my bridesmaids erika, andrea and nicole came up with such a sweet idea. everything was themed out perfect, right down to my teapot cake and tea bag angel favors! there were waffles, finger sandwiches and of course tea, but it was a lovely day in pacifica so we stuck to the champagne and lemonade. the day was captured by my personal photographer, tracey. she makes wonderful memories last forever in her pictures. my friends all came to celebrate with me and i must say i got some pretty unforgettable gifts [some which i have yet to use]. **we are postponing any baby making until my calendar is empty. i had a tiara that matched my cute pink dress, but too bad the wash ate it. [good ol' forever21]. i should have known it was a "one-time-use" dress. it was a great day for me and i left with a trunk full of goodies. even some of my friends who i dont see as often as i'd like came for me that day which meant a lot.

my second shower was at my moms house and it was hosted by my nonnie and mom with the help of my bridesmaids. this was a shower to get all the ladies together from all sides of my family and soon to be family. again it was a beautiful day and the perfect location. i love my parents house, inside and out. the gifts were more then i could imagine, the food was overwhelming and of course black and white cupcakes from jan and shelly were there by the dozen to satisfy everyones sweet tooth! we played games, ate great food, courtesy of my mom and mother in-law. i will never starve as long as they are in my life! it was a nice relaxing party aside from making playdoh penis' at my previous shower. i opened gift after gift and i couldnt wait to show my [then fiance] how much great stuff we received.

i am blessed with so many great friends and family members... even my [then] soon to be in-law family treated me as if i were already their daughter too. you dream about planning your wedding, having your showers and opening gifts that help start a life with you and your other half, but when the time actually comes its like you're a real life princess for a day. i look back on it now and wish that time stood still so i could actually enjoy that moment even more. it came and went too fast!

so with the showers behind me, all our goodies tucked away it was now crunch time. my BM's will vouch for me, i was FAR from a bridezilla! i may have had some OCD moments but that is because im a freak about details. you know the saying, "if you want it done right, then do it yourself"?! well that is what i live by. not that i dont think anyone could have helped me and done a good job, but because i like things done the way i like them done, i kept a lot of the tasks to myself. i did crack a few times and ask my mom for help, but she birthed me so i think everything she does is right :)
now all i had left to do was tan, pack for vegas and make the seating chart... ugh! the seating chart.. we will NOT re-live that. thank god for martha stewart being as anal as me. i loved her online seating chart tool. i would recommend it to any bride!
so i guess the point of this post is that i cant believe how quick a year goes by. planning my wedding and enjoying my showers, did not seem like a year ago. people weren't lying when they said, "enjoy everything about planning and all the days up until the wedding!" because you never get that time back. nor will i ever be re-living that because marriage is a one time thing for me... till death do us part.