"you are only as happy as you make up your mind to be."

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

not enough hours in the day.

i just got home from the craziest birthday weekend in vegas! girls trip for tracey's 30th!! we had so much fun to say the least ;) but now that im home its back to reality. cooking, cleaning, laundry, homework, being a mom, being a wife... the list goes on and on!

i feel like i need another day off just to clean house and do laundry. how lame is that! im sure by next week i will finally have caught up on my sleep. until then i feel like i have not one moment to rest! work was a blur today. i hope i didnt screw anything up. my body was there but my mind was still sleeping!! three days off a normal schedule of eating and drinking can throw you for a loop. im not interested in alcohol for awhile now. i need to be kind to my liver since she was nice enough to let me party in vegas :) 

when i got home from work, i made dinner for dylan and bobby. cleaned as many rooms as i could and started the many loads of laundry! of course when i get home the food is scarce. a mini safeway trip was in order for tonight and soon ill have to make the dreaded BIG trip. why cant the husband grocery shop?! do any wives out there have a husband who shops?! i would love to make the list and have him go to the store so then i can cook. thats fair right?! i dont think im going to hold my breathe.

i just feel like there are never enough hours in the day to do "it all. the hours after work are chaos! that is why im up till midnight daily cause im on the move all evening and i don't wind down till now. getting back in the swing of things in hard. i really, REALLY want to start my meal planning. i know it will be a little time consuming but im hoping it will make grocery shopping less stressful and ill actually get my monies worth for each shopping trip. i feel like i spend so much money only to get home and have nothing to cook =/ i know im not the only one.

after dinner is homework, bath time, reading, bed... im neglecting my DVR so its about to explode with all the shows it has on it. i would love to stop time once i get home from work so i can enjoy some time with my boys  :) thats not asking for much! 

i want to get these pics up from the weekend, but i know it will take time. sorry ladies, i will try again tomorrow night!! still rotating laundry and typing this and watching the news and uploading pics to my computer... all while thinking about how i have to brush my teeth, take my medicine, turn dylan's movie off, take charlie out to pee. my work is never done!!

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